Mermaid Monument on the Vistula River

More about Mermaid Monument on the Vistula River
The Warsaw Mermaid Monument, located on the Vistula River, is one of the most recognizable symbols of Warsaw. Situated in Powiśle, near the Świętokrzyski Bridge, it attracts both city residents and tourists from all over the world.
The author of the sculpture is Ludwika Nitschowa, and the monument itself was unveiled on June 24, 1939. The mermaid is presented as a half-woman, half-fish figure, holding a sword in her raised right hand and a shield in her left, which symbolizes the readiness to defend the city. This is a reference to the legend of the Mermaid of Warsaw, who was supposed to promise residents protection against dangers. The sculpture is made of bronze, which gives it a monumental character. The pedestal on which the Mermaid stands is made of stone, which adds seriousness and stability to the entire composition. The height of the monument itself is about 2.75 meters, while with the pedestal the whole thing is about 4.5 meters.
The monument is surrounded by picturesque Vistula river areas, which have been revitalized in recent years, creating a friendly space for walks and recreation. The monument looks particularly impressive at night when it is illuminated, which highlights its details and adds magical charm to it. The symbolism of the Mermaid monument is deeply rooted in the identity of Warsaw. The mermaid, as the city’s protector, has become its coat of arms symbol and is present in many other places in the capital. However, the monument on the Vistula River is the most important and best-known place commemorating this legendary figure.
This place, apart from its historical and symbolic meaning, also has a cultural function. Various artistic events, concerts and meetings take place around the monument, which makes it an important point on the cultural map of Warsaw.
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How to get to Mermaid Monument on the Vistula River
To reach the Mermaid Monument on the Vistula River on foot, it is best to take a walk along the Vistula boulevards. You can start from the Old Town and cross the Świętokrzyski Bridge, continuing the walk towards the south. The monument is located on the right bank of the Vistula, near the Poniatowski Bridge.

If you want to reach the Mermaid Monument on the Vistula by car, it is best to use nearby parking lots, such as those on the Vistula boulevards or near the Świętokrzyski Bridge. Please note that parking spaces may be limited, especially on weekends and during tourist periods.
By public transport, you can get to the Mermaid Monument on the Vistula River by tram or bus. The nearest tram stops are at ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie, and bus at al. Solidarity. Then you should walk along the Vistula boulevards towards the Monument.
Detailed bus and tram timetables can be checked on the website

Mermaid Monument on the Vistula River
Historia Pomnika Syrenki w Warszawie
Pomnik Syrenki nad Wisłą to jeden z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych symboli Warszawy, głęboko zakorzeniony w legendach i historii miasta. Syrenka, mityczna postać pół-kobiety, pół-ryby, jest obecna w herbie Warszawy i od wieków symbolizuje odwagę, niezłomność oraz ducha stolicy.
Syrena warszawska pojawiła się w herbie miasta już w XIV wieku, choć wówczas miała bardziej ptasią formę. Z biegiem czasu, jej wizerunek ewoluował do postaci znanej dzisiaj – pół-kobiety, pół-ryby, trzymającej miecz i tarczę.
W 1939 roku powstał monumentalny pomnik Syrenki nad Wisłą. Został zaprojektowany przez rzeźbiarkę Ludwikę Nitschową. Modelką, która posłużyła do stworzenia rzeźby, była Krystyna Krahelska, poetka i żołnierz Armii Krajowej, która zginęła w Powstaniu Warszawskim. Pomnik ten został ustawiony na bulwarze wiślanym, w pobliżu mostu Świętokrzyskiego. Pomnik Syrenki nad Wisłą nie tylko upamiętnia legendę o warszawskiej syrence, która obiecała chronić miasto, ale również symbolizuje walkę i determinację mieszkańców Warszawy. Syrenka z mieczem i tarczą gotowa do obrony jest metaforą niezłomności warszawiaków, szczególnie widoczną podczas trudnych momentów w historii miasta, takich jak Powstanie Warszawskie.
Dziś, pomnik Syrenki nad Wisłą jest jednym z najważniejszych punktów turystycznych Warszawy, przyciągając zarówno mieszkańców, jak i turystów z całego świata. Jest to miejsce spotkań, refleksji oraz symboliczny strażnik nad Wisłą, przypominający o bogatej historii i nieustępliwości stolicy Polski.
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Frequently Asked Questions
The Warsaw Mermaid Monument is located on the Vistula River, in Powiśle, near the Świętokrzyski Bridge.
The monument was unveiled on June 24, 1939.
The author of the sculpture is Ludwika Nitschowa.
The monument depicts the Mermaid as half-woman, half-fish, holding a sword in her raised right hand and a shield in her left. The entire sculpture is made of bronze and the pedestal is made of stone.
The height of the sculpture itself is about 2.75 meters, while with the pedestal the whole thing is about 4.5 meters.
The Mermaid symbolizes the readiness to defend the city and is deeply rooted in the Warsaw legend, according to which the Mermaid promised the inhabitants protection from dangers.
Yes, the monument is effectively illuminated at night, which highlights its details and gives it a magical charm.
Yes, various artistic events, concerts and meetings take place in the vicinity of the Mermaid Monument, which makes this place an important point on the cultural map of Warsaw.
Yes, the Warsaw Mermaid is one of the most important symbols of Warsaw and is included in the city’s coat of arms.
Yes, there are several other Mermaid monuments in Warsaw, but the monument on the Vistula River is the most important and best known.