Terms and conditions of the Warszawa-Bilety.pl website

§ 1. General provisions

  1. These regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) define the terms and conditions of use of the warszawa-bilety.pl website, operating at the Internet address www.warszawa-bilety.pl (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”), as well as the terms and conditions of participation in Trips organized by the Service Provider.
  2. The Regulations are the regulations referred to in Art. 8 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (hereinafter referred to as the “Act on the provision of electronic services”).
  3. Information about the services available on the Website, in particular their descriptions, parameters and prices, constitute an invitation to conclude a contract within the meaning of Art. 71 of the Act of 23 April 1964, Civil Code (hereinafter: “Civil Code”).
  4. Before using the Website, the Service User is obliged to read the Regulations and the Privacy Policy.
  5. In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 October 2022 on the single market for digital services and amending Directive 2000/31/EC (Digital Services Act) (hereinafter: “DSA”), the Service Provider has designated a contact point for direct communication with the authorities of EU Member States, the European Commission, the Digital Services Council and Service Users on matters covered by the DSA regulation. The contact point is available at the address indicated in § 12 of the Regulations. Communication within the contact point is conducted in Polish.

§ 2. Definitions

  1. Working day – a day that is not Saturday, Sunday or another non-working day within the meaning of the Act of January 18, 1951 on non-working days;
  2. Civil Code – term defined in § 1 section 3 of the Regulations;
  3. Consumer – a natural person performing a legal transaction with the Service Provider that is not directly related to his or her business or professional activity;
  4. Buyer – a person who is a Consumer, Entrepreneur or Entrepreneur with Consumer rights who has concluded an Agreement for participation in a Tour with the Service Provider or Partner or has taken steps to conclude it;
  5. Newsletter – digital content within the meaning of the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act, including commercial information regarding the Service Provider’s activities, including information about Trips;
  6. Partner – Entrepreneur cooperating with the Service Provider who offers the services he provides via the Website;
  7. Privacy Policy – a document containing information on the processing of personal data by the Service Provider;
  8. Entrepreneur – a natural person, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, which is granted legal capacity by special provisions, conducting business or professional activity on its own behalf;
  9. Entrepreneur with Consumer rights – a natural person conducting business or professional activity on his or her own behalf, who has concluded with the Service Provider an agreement directly related to his or her business activity, but which does not have a professional character for this person, resulting in particular from the subject of the business activity performed by him or her;
  10. Regulations – term defined in § 1 section 1 of the Regulations;
  11. Service – a term defined in § 1 section 1 of the Regulations;
  12. Subscriber – a person who has concluded a Newsletter Delivery Agreement with the Service Provider or has taken steps to conclude it;
  13. Prohibited content – ​​all content (regardless of its form):
    1. inciting or praising the commission of a prohibited act;
    2. inciting or approving the use of violence;
    3. being drastic materials;
    4. inciting hatred or discrimination against any person or group of people for any reason;
    5. promoting Nazism, fascism or communism;
    6. constituting an unlawful threat;
    7. constituting an attempt at fraud or extortion;
    8. being false or misleading information;
    9. presenting goods or services the possession or provision of which is prohibited or restricted by applicable law;
    10. infringing the personal rights and intellectual property rights (including copyrights or industrial property rights) of third parties;
    11. showing the image of a naked person;
    12. being erotic or pornographic materials;
  14. Participant – a person entitled to participate in the Trip on the basis of the Voucher. The Participant may be the Buyer or a third party for whom the Buyer concluded the Agreement for participation in the Trip;
  15. Newsletter delivery agreement – an agreement for the supply of digital content within the meaning of the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act, under which the Service Provider undertakes to provide the Subscriber with the Newsletter free of charge for an indefinite period of time, and the Subscriber undertakes to provide the Service Provider with personal data;
  16. Trip participation agreement – an agreement concluded between the Service Provider and the Buyer or between the Partner and the Buyer, the subject of which is to enable the Participant to take part in the Trip;
  17. Service Recipient – ​​Buyer, Participant or Subscriber;
  18. Service Provider – term defined in § 12 section 1 of the Regulations;
  19. Consumer Rights Act – Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights;
  20. Act on the provision of services by electronic means – term defined in § 1 section 2 of the Regulations;
  21. Voucher – a document (identification card) in electronic form, confirming the conclusion of the Agreement for participation in the Trip and entitling the Participant to participate in the Trip. The voucher includes in particular the date, time and place of collection, the number of Participants of a given Trip and its cost. The voucher can be issued both as a personal and bearer voucher;
  22. Trip – a leisure service provided by the Service Provider or Partner, lasting longer than 24 (twenty-four) hours, including showing the Participant around the Exhibition or Exhibitions indicated in the Agreement on participation in the Trip by a guide. There are Regular Trips (taken in groups of many Participants) and Private Trips (taken individually by the Participant and other Participants indicated by him);

§ 3. Technical requirements

  1. W celu prawidłowego korzystania przez Usługobiorców z Serwisu, niezbędne jest łącznie:
    1. pconnection to the Internet;
    2. having devices enabling the use of Internet resources;
    3. using a web browser enabling the display of hypertext documents on the device screen, linked on the Internet by a web service and supporting the JavaScript programming language, and accepting cookies;
    4. having an active e-mail account.
  2. As part of the Website, Service Users are prohibited from using viruses, bots, worms or other computer codes, files or programs (in particular scripts and applications automating processes or other codes, files or tools).
  3. The Service Provider informs that it uses cryptographic protection of electronic transfer and digital content by applying appropriate logical, organizational and technical measures, in particular to prevent third parties from accessing the data, including SSL encryption, the use of access passwords and anti-virus or unwanted software programs.
  4. The Service Provider informs that despite the use of security measures referred to in section 3 above, the use of the Internet and services provided electronically may be at risk of malware entering the IT system and the Service User’s device or third parties gaining access to the data on this device. In order to minimize this threat, the Service Provider recommends using antivirus programs or measures to protect identification on the Internet.

§ 4. General rules for the provision of services

  1. The Service Recipient is obliged to use the services provided by the Service Provider in a manner consistent with the provisions of generally applicable law, the provisions of the Regulations, as well as with good practices.
  2. The Service Recipient using the Website undertakes to:
    1. provide only data (including personal data) consistent with the actual situation;
    2. not to take any action that may disrupt the use of the Website by other Service Users or lead to its complete suspension;
    3. not to provide illegal content;
  3. The Participant taking part in the Trip undertakes to:
    1. treat other Tour Participants in a friendly and polite manner;
    2. observe the rules of civility;
    3. comply with order and health and safety regulations in the place where the Trip takes place;
    4. not take any action that may disrupt the agreed course of the Trip;
    5. do not participate in the Trip under the influence of alcohol or drugs and do not take these substances during the Trip.
  4. It is prohibited to use bots or other automated technological tools enabling the purchase of Vouchers without the Buyer’s participation. If there is a justified suspicion that a given Voucher was purchased using the tools indicated in the preceding sentence, the Service Provider may take steps to clarify the matter (in particular, attempt to contact the person indicated as the Voucher’s Purchaser), and if the suspicion is confirmed, cancel the Voucher.

§ 5. Agreement for participation in the Trip

  1. In order to conclude the Agreement for participation in the Trip, the Buyer should perform the following activities:
    1. enter the website of the Service;
    2. in the “Trips” tab, select the Trip you are interested in;
    3. add a Voucher to the cart entitling you to participate in the selected Trip;
    4. go to cart;
    5. select one of the available dates (date and time) for the Trip;
    6. enter the following data in the displayed form:
      1. name and surname (of each participant);
      2. e-mail address;
      3. Phone number;
      4. optionally – company name, tax identification number and business address;
    7. it is obligatory to check the checkbox when declaring that you have read the Regulations and the Privacy Policy and accept their provisions;
    8. confirm sending the form and pay the price for the Voucher.
  2. The Buyer may pay the price for the Voucher using one of the payment methods provided by the Stripe payment system. 
  3. If the Voucher’s description does not indicate that its price also includes the price of admission tickets to the Exhibition or Exhibitions indicated in the Voucher, the Purchaser is obliged to purchase an admission ticket to the above-mentioned exhibitions on their own. Exhibitions or entrust this activity to the Service Provider. If the Service Provider is entrusted with the purchase of tickets, the Service Provider is obliged to pay an additional fee. The fee referred to in the preceding sentence is added to the total value of the entire transaction made by the Service User on the Website.
  4. Approval of sending the form is tantamount to the Buyer submitting an offer to the Service Provider to conclude the Agreement for participation in the Trip.
  5. After confirming the sending of the form, the Buyer receives confirmation of its submission to the e-mail address provided by him. 
  6. Immediately after the price for the Voucher is credited to the Service Provider’s bank account, the Service Provider sends the Voucher to the Buyer via e-mail. When the Buyer receives the Voucher, an Agreement for participation in the Trip is concluded between the Service Provider and the Buyer.
  7. No later than 24 (twenty-four) hours before the start time of the regular trip indicated in the Voucher, the Buyer may:
    1. change the date or number of Participants of the Trip that is the subject of the Trip Participation Agreement or
    2. cancel the Voucher, which is tantamount to withdrawing from the Agreement for participation in a Regular Trip.
  8. In the case of private tours – free cancellation is available if Participants cancel their participation in the tour 14 days before the tour date, and a 50% refund is due up to 7 days before the tour date. Cancellation less than 7 days before the Private Trip deadline will result in no refund of the order value.
  9. Notification of a change regarding the Trip or cancellation of the Voucher is made by the Buyer via a message sent to the Service Provider by e-mail.
  10. Immediately after receiving the message referred to in section 8 above, the Service Provider makes changes to the Trip or cancels the Voucher. If the Voucher is canceled, the Service Provider will order the refund of all payments made by the Buyer within 3-5 Business Days, while the date of receipt of returned payments by the Buyer also depends on the actions of the payment operator. The exact date for the refund of the payment is indicated by the Service Provider in the message confirming the cancellation of the Voucher, sent via e-mail.

§ 6. Trip

  1. The Participant taking part in the Trip is obliged to arrive at the meeting point indicated in the Voucher, on the day and at the time indicated in the Voucher. Regardless, the Service Provider recommends arriving at the meeting point at least 10 minutes in advance. 
  2. The Guide is not obliged to wait for late Participants of a given Trip for longer than 5 (five) minutes. 
  3. The starting time of the Trip indicated in the Voucher may change for reasons beyond the control of the Service Provider. In the event of a change in the start time of the Trip, the Service Provider is obliged to immediately notify the Participants of this Trip and indicate to them the new start time of the Trip.
  4. The duration of the Trip indicated on the Website or in the Voucher may change for reasons beyond the Service Provider’s control, in particular due to weather conditions or the total number of visitors.
  5. Before starting the Trip, the Participant is obliged to show the guide the Voucher entitling him to participate in this Trip. If the Voucher has not been paid in full, the Participant undertakes to pay the missing part of the Voucher price before the start of the Trip.
  6. In case of:
    1. the Participant’s refusal to pay the missing Voucher price;
    2. failure to comply with order and occupational health and safety regulations in the place where the Tour takes place, despite the guide’s warning;
    3. the Participant persistently disrupts the scheduled course of the Tour, despite the guide’s warning;
    4. the Participant participating in the Trip under the influence of alcohol or drugs or taking these substances during the Trip;
  7. The Guide, acting on behalf of the Service Provider, is entitled to exclude the Participant from participating in the Trip, which is tantamount to the Service Provider’s withdrawal from the Agreement for participation in the Trip. If the exclusion from the Trip concerns a Participant who is a Consumer or an Entrepreneur with Consumer rights, the Service Provider will refund the payments made by the Participant in connection with the purchase of the Voucher. A Participant excluded from the Trip shall be liable to the Service Provider for damages caused by him/her (in particular for damage resulting from preventing the Trip from being carried out). In the event that:
  1. the number of Participants registered to participate in the Trip is lower than the minimum number of Participants specified by the Service Provider (if the Service Provider has specified the minimum number of Trip Participants);
  2. conducting the Trip on the agreed date is impossible for reasons beyond the control of the Service Provider (in particular as a result of force majeure or third parties for which the Service Provider is not responsible), the occurrence of which the Service Provider could not have predicted at the time of concluding the Agreement on participation in the Trip,
  1. The Service Provider (at its own discretion) is entitled to:
    1. offering Participants to conduct the Trip at a different date;
    2. offering Participants to conduct another Trip;
    3. Trip cancellations.
  2. In relation to Participants who accept the Service Provider’s offer indicated in section 7 point 1 or 2 above, the Service Provider provides services in accordance with the offer presented by it. The Participant’s acceptance of the Service Provider’s offer is tantamount to changing the original Tour Participation Agreement in accordance with the accepted offer.
  3. In the event of cancellation of the Trip or failure of the Participants to accept the Service Provider’s offer indicated in section 7 point 1 or 2 above, the Service Provider returns to the Participants all payments made by them. The Service Provider orders the refund of payments made by Participants within 3-5 Business Days, while the date of receipt of returned payments by the Buyer also depends on the actions of the payment operator. The exact date for the refund of the payment is indicated by the Service Provider in the message confirming the cancellation of the Trip, sent via e-mail.

§ 7. Newsletter

  1. In order to conclude the Newsletter Delivery Agreement, the Subscriber should provide the Service Provider with an e-mail address and submit a declaration of consent to receive the Newsletter, reading the Regulations and the Privacy Policy and accepting their provisions.
  2. Carrying out the activities specified in section 1 above may take place in any way, in particular by filling out the electronic form available on the Website by the Subscriber. 
  3. Carrying out the activities specified in section 1 is tantamount to the conclusion by the Subscriber of the Newsletter Delivery Agreement. 
  4. The contract for the provision of the Newsletter is concluded for an indefinite period.
  5. The Service Provider informs and the Subscriber acknowledges that:
    1. The newsletter is not updated;
    2. the frequency and deadlines for delivering Newsletters are not predetermined and depend on the current situation of the Service Provider.
  6. The Newsletter is delivered via e-mail, to the e-mail address provided by the Subscriber.
  7. The Subscriber may terminate the Newsletter Delivery Agreement at any time and without giving a reason with immediate effect. Moreover, pursuant to Art. 27 et seq. of the Act on Consumer Rights, a Subscriber who is a Consumer or an Entrepreneur with Consumer rights may withdraw from the Newsletter Delivery Agreement without giving a reason, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of its conclusion.
  8. Withdrawal from the Newsletter Delivery Agreement or its termination, regardless of the basis for this action, requires the Subscriber to submit an appropriate declaration to the Service Provider. The declaration referred to in the preceding sentence may be submitted by:
    1. the Subscriber clicking on the link enabling him to unsubscribe from receiving the Newsletter, which is sent with each Newsletter; 
    2. sending the Service Provider by the Subscriber a declaration of withdrawal from the Newsletter Delivery Agreement or its termination via e-mail.
  9. The Service Provider stops delivering the Newsletter to the Subscriber immediately after the Subscriber performs one of the activities indicated in section. 8 above. 
  10. In the event of non-compliance of the Newsletter with the Newsletter Delivery Agreement, the Subscriber has the rights specified in Art. 43 m and n. of the Consumer Rights Act.

§ 8. Right to withdraw from a distance contract

  1. The provisions of this § 8 apply only to the Buyer who is a Consumer or an Entrepreneur with Consumer rights. 
  2. Based on Article. 27 et seq. of the Act on Consumer Rights, the Buyer has the right to withdraw from a distance contract without giving any reason within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of its conclusion. 
  3. The Buyer exercises the right to withdraw from a distance contract by submitting a declaration of withdrawal from the contract to the Service Provider. To meet the deadline for withdrawal from the contract, it is sufficient to send the Declaration before the deadline referred to in section. 2 above.
  4. A declaration of withdrawal from the contract may be submitted by the Buyer in any form, in particular on the form constituting Annex No. 2 to the Consumer Rights Act. 
  5. The Service Provider informs and the Buyer acknowledges that the right to withdraw from the contract referred to in this paragraph is not entitled to the Buyer in relation to the Agreement on participation in the Trip due to Art. 38 section 1 point 12 of the Consumer Rights Act. 
  6. The provisions of this paragraph do not affect the rights granted to the Buyer pursuant to § 5 section 7 of the Regulations in the case of regular trips and § 5 section 8 of the Regulations in the case of private trips.

§ 9. Partners

  1. The provisions of the Regulations regarding Trip Participation Agreements concluded with the Service Provider shall apply accordingly to Trip Participation Agreements and other types of agreements concluded with Partners, unless a given Partner has established separate regulations for the provision of services.
  2. Other types of contracts referred to in section 1 above, may concern in particular enabling the Service User to use attractions that are not Trips.
  3. The Service Provider informs and the Service Recipient acknowledges that the division of obligations related to the Trip Participation Agreement or any other type of agreement concluded with the Partner is as follows:
    1. The scope of the Service Provider’s responsibilities includes:
      1. providing the Service User and the Partner with functionalities enabling the conclusion of a Trip Participation Agreement or another type of agreement between them and making related payments;
      2. transferring, storing and sharing data entered into the Website by the Service Recipient and the Partner in connection with the conclusion of the Trip Participation Agreement or any other type of agreement;
    2. The Partner’s responsibilities include:
      1. introducing, changing and deleting offers of Trips or other attractions organized by the Partner;
      2. accepting and settling payments made in connection with the conclusion of the Trip Participation Agreement or any other type of agreement;
      3. ensuring that the Service User has the opportunity to participate in a Trip or use another attraction, and to perform any other obligations arising from the Trip Participation Agreement or any other type of agreement.
  4. The Service Provider informs and the Service Recipient acknowledges that the Service Provider is not a party to the Trip Participation Agreement or any other type of agreement concluded with the Partner and is therefore not responsible for its performance, non-performance or improper performance by the Partner.
  5. Service Recipients should report any reservations regarding the Partners’ activities to the Service Provider via e-mail.

§ 10. Liability

  1. The Organizer is not liable for property damage or personal injury incurred by the Participant in connection with participation in the Trip, which occurred as a result of:
    1. force majeure;
    2. actions of third parties for which the Service Provider is not responsible; 
    3. actions of the Participant himself, in particular his failure to comply with order and health and safety regulations in the place where the Trip takes place.
  2. The Participant whose culpable action or omission led to the interruption of the Trip or its cancellation is liable for any damage caused by this behavior on the part of the Service Provider. 
  3. The Participant is liable to third parties for any damage caused to them while participating in the Trip.

§ 11. Complaints

  1. The Service Recipient may submit a complaint if the Service Provider provides services in a manner inconsistent with the Regulations.
  2. The service recipient submitting a complaint should send an email containing the following elements to the address indicated in § 12 point 1 of the Regulations:
    1. name and surname of the Service Recipient;
    2. e-mail address;
    3. description of noticed irregularities;
    4. Voucher number;
    5. complaint request.
  3. The deadline for considering a complaint and responding to it is 14 (fourteen) days from the date of its receipt by the Service Provider in a correct and complete form. Failure to respond within the time limit specified in the preceding sentence shall mean that the complaint is accepted.
  4. The Service Provider responds to the complaint via e-mail. 
  5. If the complaint is accepted, the Service Provider shall refund the Service Recipient the amount of the fee (in whole or in part) paid by the Service Recipient for the service that is the subject of the complaint (depending on the nature of the irregularity and the complaint request).

§ 12. Service Provider’s data

  1. The website is the property of ETOURS SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ, KRS number: 0001077138, with: REGON: 527258207, NIP: 7011180825, (hereinafter referred to as: “Service Provider”).
  2. Contact with the Service Provider is possible via:
    1. e-mail – at: pomoc@warszawa-bilety.pl;
    2. traditional mail – at the following address: ul. Hoża 86/410, 00-682, Warsaw;
    3. by phone – at +48 22 599 4590.

§ 13. Consent to use the Image

  1. Taking part in the Trip is tantamount to the Participant granting the Service Provider consent to use the Participant’s image (hereinafter referred to as the “Image”) recorded by the Organizer in photos or videos taken during the Trip (hereinafter referred to as the “Consent”). 
  2.  The consent is granted free of charge, without any time and territorial restrictions, and covers the repeated use of the Image without the need for the Participant to approve such use each time, for information, promotional and advertising purposes related to the Service Provider’s activities.
  3. The use of the Image based on Consent includes:
    1. recording and reproducing in any quantity, using any technique and in any format;
    2. dissemination in any way and using any media, in particular through:
    3. publication on the Service Provider’s website and social media;
    4. placing in leaflets, newsletters and posters distributed by the Service Provider in physical and electronic form.

4.    The consent covers the use of the Image in combination with songs selected by the Service Provider, content of any kind (including texts, hashtags, emoticons), images, names, surnames or nicknames of other people, as well as subjecting the Image to the necessary processing (in particular cropping and composing), using any devices.

5.     The consent authorizes the Service Provider to grant third parties, paid or free of charge, further consent to use the Image to the extent specified in the Regulations.

6.     The Organizer undertakes not to use the Image in an offensive, ridiculing or otherwise violating Participant’s personal rights.

7.     In the event of withdrawal of Consent, the Organizer is not obliged to remove from its website and social media any materials containing the Image that were published before the withdrawal of Consent.

§ 14. Intellectual property of the Service Provider

  1. All components of the Website, in particular:
    1. name of the Website;
    2. Website logo;
    3. principles of operation of the Website, all its graphic elements, interface, software, source code and databases;
  2. are subject to legal protection under the provisions of the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights, the Act of June 30, 2000 – Industrial Property Law and other provisions of generally applicable law, including the provisions of European Union law.
  3. Any use of the Service Provider’s intellectual property without its prior express consent is prohibited.

§ 15. Processing of personal data

  1. Information about the processing of personal data by the Service Provider can be found in the Privacy Policy available at: www.warszawa-bilety.pl/pp

§ 16. Prohibited content

  1. Any person (hereinafter referred to as the “Reporter”) is entitled to report any prohibited Content found on the Website to the Service Provider (hereinafter referred to as the “Report”). Regardless, the Service Provider may apply the measures provided for in this § 15 to prohibited Content detected without receiving the Notification.
  2. The application may be submitted via e-mail to the address indicated in § 12 of the Regulations.
  3. The notification should include the following information:
    1. a sufficiently substantiated explanation of why the content constitutes Prohibited Content;
    2. a clear indication of the precise electronic location of the information and (where applicable) additional information enabling identification of the Prohibited Content, appropriate to the type of Prohibited Content and the functionality of the Website;
    3. name and surname or name and e-mail address of the Reporting Party, with the exception of reports regarding information considered to be related to one of the crimes referred to in Art. Articles 3-7 of Directive 2011/93/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2011 on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, replacing Council Framework Decision 2004/68/JHA;
    4. a statement confirming the good faith belief of the Reporting Party that the information and allegations contained in the Report are correct and complete.
  4. After receiving the Notification, the Service Provider sends the Notifier a confirmation of its receipt to the e-mail address provided by him or her.
  5. If the Application does not contain the elements indicated in section 3 above or contains errors, the Service Provider may ask the Applicant to supplement or correct the Application within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the above. requests. If the Applicant does not supplement or correct the Notification within the deadline specified in the preceding sentence, the Service Provider may leave the Notification without consideration.
  6. The Service Provider verifies the reported content within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the complete and correct notification. As part of the verification activities, if necessary, the Service Provider may ask the Applicant to send the necessary additional information or documents.
  7. Until the Notification is recognized, the Service Provider may block the visibility of prohibited Content.
  8. After verifying the Application, the Service Provider:
    1. removes content that is prohibited Content;
    2. restores content that is not prohibited Content (if its visibility was blocked at the Report verification stage);
    3. at the same time providing a justification for the decision taken.
    4. If the content is deleted, the Service Provider shall immediately notify both the Reporter and the person who created the deleted content, providing a justification for the decision.
    5. The justification for the Service Provider’s decision includes:
    6. an indication of whether the decision involves the removal of content, blocking its visibility or imposes other measures referred to in the Regulations in relation to that content and (if applicable) the territorial scope of the decision and its validity period;
    7. the facts and circumstances on the basis of which the decision was made, including, where applicable, whether the decision was made on the basis of a report made by the Reporter or on the basis of voluntary verification activities carried out at the initiative of the Service Provider and (where strictly necessary) the identity of the Reporter;
    8. where appropriate, information about the use of automated means in making decisions, including whether a decision was made in relation to content detected or identified using automated tools;
    9. if the decision concerns potentially prohibited content, an indication of the legal or contractual basis on which the decision is based and an explanation of the reasons why the content is considered prohibited content on this basis;
    10. clear and friendly information for the author of the content and the Applicant about their options for appealing against the decision.
  9. The person whose content has been removed or the Reporter to whom the Service Provider refuses to remove the reported content may file an appeal against the Service Provider’s decision (hereinafter referred to as the “Appeal”).
  10. The appeal may be submitted via e-mail to the address indicated in § 12 of the Regulations.
  11. The appeal should include:
    1. name and surname or name of the appellant;
    2. contact details (e-mail address, correspondence address);
    3. detailed justification why, in the opinion of the appellant, the Service Provider’s decision is wrong and should be changed.
  12. The Service Provider immediately confirms receipt of the appeal by sending a notification to the e-mail address provided by the appellant.
  13. Appeals are considered within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of their receipt, by the authorized team of the Service Provider (these activities will not be performed in an automated manner, without human participation).
  14. The Service Provider notifies the appellant about the decision taken as a result of considering the appeal via e-mail, and if it considers the reported content to be prohibited, it takes the actions provided for in the Regulations.

§ 17. Information on the rules for placing offers

The order in which the offers available on our website (from us and our partners) are presented is each time determined by the website administrators. Our offers are presented first, followed by those of our partners. We do not provide sponsored offers on our website (that is, we do not grant specific offers greater visibility in exchange for an additional fee).

§ 18. Out-of-court resolution of disputes

  1. The provisions of this § 16 apply only to Service Recipients who are Consumers.
  2. The service recipient has the opportunity to use out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims.
  3. Detailed information on the possibility for the Service User to use out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims, as well as the rules of access to these procedures, are available at the offices and on the websites:
    1. district (municipal) consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection; 
    2. Provincial Inspectorates of the Trade Inspection;
    3. Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.
  4. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 3 above, the Service Recipient may also use the Online Dispute Resolution Service (ODR) available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

§ 19. Changes to the Regulations

  1. The Service Provider may make changes to the Regulations in the event of:
    1. changes in the scope of activity of the Service Provider;
    2. introducing new services to the Service Provider’s offer, withdrawing previously provided services or modifying currently provided services;
    3. the need to prevent Service Users from abusing their rights under the Regulations;
    4. making technical modifications to the Website that require adapting the provisions of the Regulations to them;
    5. legal obligation to make changes, including the obligation to adapt the Regulations to the current legal status.
  2. The Service Provider notifies Service Users about changes to the Regulations by publishing its amended version on the Website. A change to the Regulations is effective from the moment of its publication on the Website. Independently, the Service Provider sends the amended version of the Regulations to Subscribers via e-mail. 
  3. A subscriber who does not agree to the changes to the Regulations may terminate the Newsletter Delivery Agreement within 7 (days) from the date of entry into force of the changes to the Regulations. Termination of the Newsletter Delivery Agreement may be made in the manner indicated in § 7 section 8. The Service Provider stops delivering the Newsletter to the Subscriber immediately after the Subscriber terminates the Newsletter Delivery Agreement.
  4. The provisions of the Regulations in the wording in force on the date of their conclusion shall apply to Agreements for participation in a Tour concluded before the amendments to the Regulations come into force.

§ 20. Final provisions

The current version of the Regulations is valid from July 1, 2024.

Cancellation Policy
Free cancellation within 24 hours
How does it work?
You can cancel free of charge up to 24 hours before the tour date indicated on the purchased Voucher.
You can make changes to your reservation up to 24 hours before the tour date.
To make a modification or cancellation, send a message with information to pomoc@warszawa- Tickets.pl
Changes made less than 24 hours from the tour date will not be included.
Cancellation of the tour less than 24 hours from the tour date is non-refundable.
Flexible cancellation conditions
Free cancellation up to 5 days
How does it work?
You can cancel free of charge up to 5 days before the tour date indicated on the purchased Voucher.
Cancellation up to 3 days before the tour date indicated on the purchased Voucher will result in a fee of 50% of the order value.  
You can change your reservation up to 5 daysbefore the tour date.
You can make changes to your reservation covering 50% of the order value up to 3 daysbefore the tour date.
To make a modification or cancellation, send a message with information to pomoc@warszawa- Tickets.pl
Changes made less than 3 daysfrom the date of the trip will not be taken into account.
Cancellation of the trip less than 3 days from the tour date is non-refundable.